
Being keenly aware that the plight of historians is to, themselves, become a bit historical, I’ve decided to get academic on the internet. Not that I wasn’t when I was writing on the National Hockey League, but here I want to combine a record of my previous academic work alongside posts of projects-in-progress, as well as mini-histories and other scattered historical tidbits I find myself creating either out of curiosity or in preparation for one of my courses. You can be rest assured that my most productive times are either in the summer months, or when I probably should be working on something else. So, in some ways, this site is also intended to make sure my procrastination results in something related to history, rather than frivolous online purchases (anybody want to see my hockey card collection? Anybody?).

While this website will soon be populated with article posts and summaries of some of my research — see the “Posts” page — in the meantime I invite you to visit my biography page for more information.

For those of you embroiled in academia, best of luck with your writing, and no, now is not the perfect time to search “pergolas for sale”.